Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Letters to Lindsey

I'd like to share something very special with you today. My husband and I are involved in a busines called "LIFE" and it's amazingly wonderful! We so enjoy sharing an "out of the box" idea with other people along with helping people and ourselves grow to become better people. I've got a link on my sidebar where you can check out LIFE, but what I want to share with you today is a blog of a lady we've met throughout our journey. She speaks at the conferences we go to and she has an incredible story of overcoming difficult and even life threatening issues. I believe that God has put her and her stories in my life for a reason and I want to share her with all of you! Her name is Terri Brady and her blog is called Letters to Lindsey. In her blog you'll find inspirational stories along with the funniest stories of her children and situations they have been in. The content of this blog will make you laugh, cry, and stop and think about how you handle every day situations, and you'll develop a desire to become a better wife, mother and woman in general. Take the time to check it out. She's not selling anything, only sharing her story and it will bless your socks off!

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